Consul General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Chicago Bolotbek Borbiev met with the Secretary of State of Indiana Diego Morales

On May 14, 2024, a meeting took place in Chicago between the Consul General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Chicago, Mr. B.Borbiev, and the Secretary of State of Indiana, Mr. D.Morales, during which the parties discussed prospects for cooperation in the field of agriculture.

During the meeting, both sides expressed keen interest in expanding and strengthening partnerships in the agricultural sector between Kyrgyzstan and the state of Indiana. Consul General B. Borbiev emphasized the importance of the agricultural sector for economic development and food security, expressing readiness for active collaboration in this area.

In turn, Secretary of State of Indiana, Mr. D. Morales, expressed readiness to deepen cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Indiana in the field of agriculture, exchange of expertise, and advanced technologies to enhance productivity and sustainability of rural areas both in Kyrgyzstan and Indiana.

Following the meeting, the parties highlighted their readiness for active engagement in this important sphere and agreed to hold further consultations to develop specific steps for initiating joint projects.