The meeting of the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic G. Iskakova with the Kyrgyz diaspora and activists - friends of Kyrgyzstan, supporting cultural and humanitarian relations between the UK and Kyrgyzstan was held in Edinburgh (Scotland)

In Edinburgh, April 13, 2019, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UK G.Iskakova met with compatriots and friends of Kyrgyzstan residing in the capital of Scotland.

During the meeting, G. Iskakova informed about the special attention paid by the state for protecting the rights and interests of the KR citizens abroad, informed about the work of the Embassy in attracting investments, on economic and cultural-humanitarian cooperation as well as events being organized in this regard, and thanked everybody for their contribution to the development of cooperation and interaction with the Embassy.

One of the leaders of the Kyrgyz diaspora in Scotland and a member of the Council for Communication with Compatriots Abroad under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Rahat Zhusupova and her husband – Kenneth Bruke, who provides her with his full support, told about their joint events in Edinburgh, which promote communication and cohesion among fellow Kyrgyzstan’s citizens. Among such events is the annual celebration of Nooruz with performances of our citizens and guests of the national dances and songs, Kyrgyz language lessons for their children and those interested in learning the Kyrgyz language, support for newly arrived students from Kyrgyzstan, charity actions to help social institutions in Kyrgyzstan.

The meeting also included friends of Kyrgyzstan, who noted that while doing business in the UK, they also provide services for renting and sell the Kyrgyz yurts, carpets of our artisans (shyrdak, kiyiz), etc.

Together with the staff of the Embassy, the participants discussed such issues as the ongoing work to provide the KR citizens with documents, dual citizenship, development of tourism, and promotion of recognition of Kyrgyzstan in Scotland and abroad.

In conclusion of the meeting, the Ambassador urged compatriots to intensify the mutual cooperation, implement common goals and objectives in the activities framework of the Council for Communication with Compatriots Abroad under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.