Remarks to the speech at the Briefing of the Ambassadors of the OTG countries, December 1, 2021, Washington


Dear Mr. Nifty,


Ladies and Gentlemen!

We all know that this year, on November 12, a significant event for the entire Turkic-speaking world took place in Istanbul – we have created the Organization of Turkic-speaking states.

I believe that this is one of the important events of this year for entire Turkic-speaking world. By importance we can call it an epoch-making event because it shows the unity of all the Turkic-speaking countries. More precisely, it can become one of the significant economic unions with global importance, bringing together the potential of more than 150 million people. For example, the combined GDP of these countries would take it to the thirteenth place globally. The combined area they possess exceeds 4.5 million square kilometers.

Most importantly, by creating this organization, we have already received a new opportunity to consolidate the full potential of the countries that have been living for centuries together as neighbors, with similarities in history, religion, language and centuries-old culture. We can say confidently that such common beginnings will give us new opportunities and open new doors. This is my first point.

Secondly, at the same time, we must understand that like any international integration activities, this organization may face difficulties that are inherent in other regional organizations. For example, any excessive politicization or adopting declarative goals without measurable results, will not solve the problems of the participating countries. If all they do is to hold a meeting once a year they will only carry out declarative work. Of course, as a consequence, such an exercise would only be diverting our resources and energy from delivering the main tasks contained in its Charter.

In this case, in my opinion, all the members of the organization should play a leading and decisive role. The members of the organization must immediately identify the problems the organization is facing and reform the organization to achieve common goals.

Specific areas of change are becoming a new and achievable reality and they include the opening of new transport corridors, creating the needed conditions for the active rapprochement and collaboration of businesspeople, facilitating trade among our countries.

Another great opportunity lies with the cultural exchange and enrichment, such a by jointly promoting the proud, centuries-old cultural values ​​of our Turkic-speaking nomadic forefathers across the world.

On that, many of you know that мy country was the initiator of the World Nomad Games, which have already become a globally recognized brand and can become in the future a long-standing symbol of unity representing all members of the Organization of Turkic-speaking states. The next 4th Nomad Games will take place in 2022 in the beautiful city of Iznik near the shores of the mountain lake Iznik in Turkey. Taking this opportunity I would like to call on all the member countries to actively participate in this upcoming event.

In conclusion, I would like to express my deep gratitude to colleagues from the Caspian Forum for the opportunity to meet and discuss an important topic for all of us about the prospects of the Organization of Turkic-speaking States.

Thank you for your attention!