Ambassador B.Amanbaev met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs J.Pommersheim


On November 27, 2023, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United States and Canada Baktybek Amanbaev met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs John M.Pommersheim. During the meeting, the parties discussed ways to improve bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the two countries.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ambassador B.Amanbaev presented brief information on the reforms conducted within the country and major regional projects launched over the past 3 years under the leadership of the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov. Also shared his specific proposals for the implementation of the points of the declaration adopted in September 2023 in New York within the framework of the C5+1 Summit of the heads of state of Central Asia and the United States. During the meeting, Bakyt Amanbaev presented his proposals for improving cooperation between the two countries, and appealed to his American colleague with a request to accelerate the implementation of previous agreements to increase the duration of tourist visas for Kyrgyz citizens to 10 years.

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia John Pommersheim, highly appreciated the efforts of the leadership of the Kyrgyz Republic and shared his proposals for improving bilateral relations between the two countries. Noting that relevant U.S. State Department officials are currently working to extend the validity of visas for Kyrgyz citizens from five to ten years, he made his proposals to expedite this issue.

The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere, and a mutual agreement was reached to work together to improve bilateral and multilateral relations.