A library named after Chyngyz Aitmatov has opened in Antalya


In the park named after Chyngyz Aitmatov, located on the territory of the Muratpasa municipality of Antalya, the grand opening of the library named after the outstanding Kyrgyz writer took place. The ceremony is timed to the celebration of the 95th anniversary of Chyngyz Aitmatov.

The ceremony was attended by Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev, Consul General Rustam Koshonov, son of the writer Eldar Aitmatov, Deputy Governor of Antalya Province Mustafa Hulusi Arat, Mayor of Muratpasa Municipality of Antalya Umit Uysal, Vice-President of the International Public Association “Issyk-Kul Forum named after Chyngyz Aitmatov” Dinara Zhumabaeva, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye in Antalya, heads and representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Antalya, representatives of the academic community, business circles, media, Kyrgyz citizens and local residents.

The event began with a performance by akyns from Kyrgyzstan and continued with welcoming speeches from the guests of honor.

Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev made a solemn speech and congratulated all those present on this important event. In his speech, he emphasized the greatness of Chyngyz Aitmatov, who made a huge contribution to world literature. He noted that the opening of the library is a manifestation of the deep respect of the Turkish people for the writer.

The head of the diplomatic mission of Kyrgyzstan expressed hope that the library will become an important cultural center and will help in raising a generation devoted to its country and people.

The event also included the unveiling of a restored bust of the writer. The restoration project was implemented under the auspices of the Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in the city of Antalya with the assistance of a compatriot from Alanya, Venera Kozhoeva.

In honor of the event, a Kyrgyz national yurt was installed on the territory of the park, in which guests were presented with traditional Kyrgyz treats and drinks, as well as national felt products, clothing and souvenirs.

The Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Antalya, headed by Consul General Rustam Koshonov, in collaboration with the mayor's office of Muratpasa, worked on the implementation of the project to open the library throughout the year.

The Embassy and Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Antalya expresses deep gratitude to everyone who contributed to the implementation of this important project. The library named after Chyngyz Aitmatov is intended to become a center of cultural exchange and understanding between Kyrgyzstan and Türkiye and will provide an opportunity for everyone to get acquainted with the literary heritage of Chyngyz Aitmatov.