Traditional celebration of the International Holiday Nooruz


March 20, 2018 in the column of the Hall of the Kiev City State Administration held a traditional celebration of the International Holiday Nooruz.

The Embassies of the countries: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Turkey and Turkmenistan were the organizers of the annual solemn event.

During the opening ceremony the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic Zh .Sh. Sharipov congratulated the guests on the spring equinox holiday, and wished everyone happiness and prosperity.

The Pavilion of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic aroused the wide interest of the guests, where unique pieces of folk arts and crafts from felt and leather, souvenirs, national hats, clothes and others were presented. Also, guests had the opportunity to taste Kyrgyz national dishes (tash kordo, chuchuk, manti, samsa), varieties of boorsok, non-alcoholic national drinks, organic honey, dried fruits and sour-milk products.

The event was accompanied by a demonstration of videos revealing the beauty of nature of Kyrgyzstan and its tourist potential, as well as the presentation of the III World Games of nomads.

The event was attended by more than 1 thousand guests.