PRESS RELEASE Embassу of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Islamic Republic of Iran


     In line with priority tasks set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic aimed at countering  spread of  COVID-19 epidemics in Kyrgyzstan, the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Tehran  makes its efforts  to attract foreign humanitarian aid, medicins and means of individual protection necessary today for the country.
      A charter flight from Mashhad to Bishkek delivered  on 18th May 2020 humanitarian cargo with medical supplies sent for the people of Kyrgyzstan in a genuinely friendly gesture by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The humanitarian  aid included medicines and means of individual protection which will be used to counter COVID-19 epidemics in Kyrgyzstan.
    An official ceremony of handing over the medical aid was attended by: H.E. Mr. Jannat   BEISHENOV, Minister of Transport and roads and Co-chair of the Joint Kyrgyzstan-Iran Intergovernmental commission, Mr. Kalys Shadyhanov State Secretary of Health  Ministry, H.E. Mr. Nurlan ABDRAHMANOV, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs – on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic, and H.E. Seyed Kharrazi, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Kyrgyz Republic as well  other diplomats of the Embassy of  the I.R. of Iran in Bishkek.   
    The humanitarian aid was provided by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran upon request of the Kyrgyz side in spite of many difficulties being experienced by the people of Iran while facing COVID-19 epidemics in the country. The charter flight has also enabled nationals of the two countries to return back to their countries.
     The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Tehran continues to be in touch with nationals of Kyrgyzstan residing in Iran and provides them with necessary assistance and  guidance.

  • PRESS RELEASE Embassу of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • PRESS RELEASE Embassу of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • PRESS RELEASE Embassу of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Islamic Republic of Iran