The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Moldogaziev met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Andorra I.T.Faus


On 30 November 2023, a meeting of the Head of the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Moldogaziev with the Head of the delegation of Andorra, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Andorra I.T.Faus was held on the margins of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje.

The interlocutors discussed a wide range of issues of the bilateral agenda between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Principality of Andorra at the meeting.

The Kyrgyz side expressed interest in expanding bilateral cooperation. Given the rich experience of Andorra in the development of tourism, A.Moldogaziev proposed to consider the possibilities of implementing joint projects in this direction.

A separate topic of the meeting was the mutual support of initiatives aimed at the development of mountain regions. The Head of the Kyrgyz Republic delegation noted that Kyrgyzstan advocates for the creation of a wide coalition of mountainous countries and considers Andorra as an important partner regarding sustainable mountain development in the world stage.

In her turn, I.T.Faus expressed readiness to consider the proposals of the Kyrgyz side and invited representatives of the relevant agencies of Kyrgyzstan to visit Andorra to establish closer cooperation.