Nowruz 2019


On 21 March 2019 Permanent Missions of eleven countries to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva, including Kyrgyzstan, jointly organized an event to celebrate the International Day of Nowruz in the building of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

During the event, which was attended by more than 400 representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organizations and Kyrgyz diaspora in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Kyrgyzstan presented various national dishes, as well as materials about the cultural, economic and tourist opportunities of our country at the national stand of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Representatives of states-organizers and international organizations speaking at the event congratulated peoples of countries celebrating Nooruz and emphasized  the global cultural importance of this festivity, that was stipulated in the resolution of the UN General Assembly dated February 23, 2010, declaring 21 March as the International Nooruz Day.