The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Swiss Almazbek Beishenaliev presented copies of his credentials to Ms. Beatrice Schaer, Head of Protocol of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland


On August 20, 2021, Almazbek Beishenaliev, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Swiss Confederation, presented copies of his credentials to Ms. Beatrice Schaer, Head of Protocol of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland.

Ambassador Beatrice Shaer congratulated Almazbek Beishenaliev on the appointment and wished him success in his upcoming activities for the benefit of Kyrgyz-Swiss relations.

Almazbek Beishenaliev also held meetings with Anna Ifkovits, Head of the Directorate for Europe, Central Asia, Council of Europe and OSCE, Guy Bovin, Swiss Special Envoy for Water in Central Asia, and Erwin Bollinger, Delegate of the Swiss Federal Council for Trade Agreements, Head of Bilateral economic relations of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs. The parties exchanged views on topical issues and prospects for further development of relations between Kyrgyzstan and Switzerland.