The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic/Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan to FAO Taalai Bazarbaev met with the FAO Director-General in Rome Qu Dongyu


On April 3, 2023, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic/Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan to FAO Taalai Bazarbaev met with the Director-General of the UN Agriculture and Food Organization (FAO) in Rome Qu Dongyu.

The parties discussed issues related to the implementation of projects implemented by FAO in Kyrgyzstan, FAO Conference which is coming in July 2023, and also noted the importance of holding negotiations to strengthen the legal framework between the Kyrgyz Republic and the UN Agriculture and Food Organization.

T.Bazarbaev also informed the FAO Director-General about the activities carried out by Kyrgyzstan on mountain issues within the framework of the Concept “Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions 2023-2027”, which was an integral part of the UN General Assembly Resolution “Sustainable Mountain Development”, adopted in December 2022 in New York with the support of over 110 UN Member States.