Speech by President Sadyr Zhaparov at the "One Planet Polar Summit"


Speech by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zhaparov on November 10 at the "One Planet Polar Summit" in Paris:

Dear President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron,

Dear Heads of State and Government,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to welcome you today to the international forum dedicated to one of the urgent and pressing issues of our time – the preservation of the fragile ecosystem of our planet.

At the very beginning, I want to note the following.

The theme of our summit - "One Planet" - is highly symbolic.

Our peoples and countries share borders that sometimes traverse challenging terrains and geographical barriers.

As known, our planet is divided by four oceans.

The same cannot be said for the fifth ocean - the airspace, which sustains all life on Earth.

We all breathe the same air, which knows no borders or barriers.

This also signifies that we are all interconnected by our destinies and concerns, our hopes and aspirations.

The world has now reached a critical juncture, and we cannot content ourselves with empty slogans or mere words.

Dear friends,

I want to emphasize the necessity of taking joint action without postponing it for later.

We can not allow things to remain unchanged after our meetings, business as usual.

Dear participants,

Global climate change is becoming more serious every year, posing an increasingly severe threat to humanity.

Of particular concern is the negative impact of climate change on the cryosphere.

In this context, today's Summit is a significant event where leaders and experts from around the world have gathered to discuss the consequences of climate change for the cryosphere and to take joint actions to reduce and adapt to the ongoing changes on our planet.

Kyrgyzstan recognizes the importance of multilateral dialogue, international cooperation, and the pooling of efforts by countries and communities to address the challenge of climate change and the preservation of glaciers.

We wholeheartedly support the idea of summits that unite us to achieve a common goal – the protection of our planet.

Kyrgyzstan, as is well known, is a mountainous country with harsh climatic conditions, favorable for the formation of glaciers; mountains cover 94% of the country's area.

Currently, there are about 10 thousand glaciers in Kyrgyzstan with a total area of about 7 thousand square kilometers, which is several times larger than the combined territory of Luxembourg, Andorra, and Malta.

However, over the 70-year period, the glacier area in Kyrgyzstan has decreased by 16%.

By the end of the century, we may lose more than 80% of glaciers, and their number, due to the destruction of large ones into separate parts, has increased by 22%.

Our glaciers are a crucial source of fresh water not only for our country but also for the entire Central Asian region, especially during periods of drought.

Their melting directly impacts the life and activities of the population of the entire region.

Glaciers are primarily a product of climate, and their changes lead to the reduction of glaciers, resulting in the depletion of freshwater resources worldwide.

In addition, the melting of glaciers leads to natural disasters, such as mudslides, landslides, and avalanches.

Changes in the water availability of the natural environment inevitably have a negative impact on biological diversity and the ecosystem of the planet as a whole.

In this regard, it is crucial for states to have up-to-date scientifically-based information, expert recommendations for decision-making, as the processes in the cryosphere determine sustainable access to drinking water, sanitation, social stability, environmental well-being, and the development of national economies.

It is important to understand that climatic changes in mountainous conditions have altitude-specific features.

So, in the high–altitude zone, this involves the reduction of glaciers and an increased risk of breakthroughs of high-altitude lakes;

in mountainous and foothill areas – mudslides and landslides;

and in the valley zone, we observe the effects of drought and low water.

All these processes damage the country's economy, pose a threat to human life and health.

The country must invest more and more in life-supporting infrastructure each year:

water supply and drainage systems, irrigation networks, road transport infrastructure, urban planning, ensuring environmental safety in the region.

Dear Heads of Delegations,

The Kyrgyz Republic is not standing idly in the face of these challenges.

We are actively implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop renewable energy sources.

 Work is also underway to mitigate the anthropogenic impact on water resources;

we are improving water supply systems and ensuring access to clean water for the population of the country.

An integral part of our strategy involves creating national parks and reserves to protect vulnerable ecosystems and preserve our glaciers.

We also invest in scientific research and collaborate with international organizations to develop effective strategies for adapting to climate change.

In January 2022, in order to protect mountain ecosystems and climate sustainability, in Kyrgyzstan, on my initiative, the national campaign "Zhashyl Muras" was launched.

This program involves the implementation of measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting mountain ecosystems, reducing air pollution, and developing climate change policies, as well as attracting climate finance.

This year, we have also taken the initiative to restructure the state's external debt, including using mechanisms such as partial cancellation, converting debt into grants, and exchanging it for "green" programs and projects to promote development in our country.

Currently, Germany is the only country among our partners applying such practices at the moment.

We express our sincere gratitude to the German side for their kind gesture.

Dear Friends,

Recognizing the paramount importance of the cryosphere as a guardian of life-sustaining moisture, and the close connection between mountain and sea glaciers, Kyrgyzstan has joined the coalition of countries mobilized under the slogan "Ambitions for Melting Ice" and welcomes the expansion of its participants.

Among other international environmental initiatives and actions of the Kyrgyz Republic, first of all, I would like to highlight our :

• joining the initiative of the "Group of Friends of the Cryosphere",

• holding international forums on snow leopard conservation and its ecosystems,

• Creation of an informal "Group of Friends of Mountain Countries" in the UN,

• Adoption of UN General Assembly resolutions on sustainable mountain development

and biodiversity conservation.

As you are aware, in 2022, at the joint initiative of our country and Italy, a resolution of the UN General Assembly titled "Sustainable Mountain Development" was unanimously adopted, proclaiming the years 2023-2027 as the Fifth Anniversary of actions for the development of mountain regions.

To effectively preserve mountain ecosystems and glaciers, a Global Action Plan has been developed with the support of the FAO Mountain Partnership, UN agencies, and other international organizations. As the concluding stage of the "Mountain Five-year plan," we plan to hold the Second Global Mountain Summit "Bishkek+25" in Kyrgyzstan in 2027, 25 years after the First Summit.

I invite you to take part.

Dear Participants of the Summit,

In conclusion, I want to express my full support for the political declaration we will adopt today. This initiative is crucial for raising awareness of the issue of melting glaciers, mobilizing the efforts of the international community to study it, and developing new joint practical solutions.

I propose to combine our efforts to find ways to preserve glaciers and cooperate in the protection of the zone of water resources formation.

I consider it necessary to review the level of funding to significantly increase support, meeting the real needs of vulnerable countries in adapting to climate change. I am convinced that only through the timely response of the international community and coordinated actions can we successfully overcome this global challenge facing us today.

Thank you for your attention.