Regarding the meeting of the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan U.Totuiaev with the Head of the USAID project “Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity” Mr. Arsalan Ali Faheem


On November 20, 2023, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Ulanbek Totuiaev received the newly appointed the Head of the USAID project “Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity” Mr. Arsalan Ali Faheem.

         Ambassador U. Totuiaev congratulated and wished success to Arsalan Ali in his responsible activities. He noted that in cooperation with the USAID project “Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity” friendly relations were developed. He expressed gratitude for the assistance provided in organizing and holding two Kyrgyz-Pakistani business forums in Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan.

         The parties discussed issues of strengthening and developing trade and economic relations between the countries. In particular, organizing cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of renewable energy, digital, green economy, as well as investment. They exchanged views on cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, including issues of logistics, banking, import and export of goods between countries, noting special attention to the necessity of deepening regional economic integration.

            The interlocutors noted the need for similar business forums to be held in the near future with the participation of representatives of business communities in the textile industry, food production, agriculture, mining, energy, tourism, etc.