Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan to the UN in New York M.Moldoisaeva delivered a statement on general debates of the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of NPT 2020


On May 1, 2019, Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Nations in New York M. Moldoisaeva delivered a statement on general debates of the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) 2020, that takes place in New York from April 29 to May 10, 2019.

In her speech, M. Moldoisaeva confirmed that the Kyrgyz Republic considers the NPT to be one of the most effective international instruments in the area of nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation.  It was said that Kyrgyzstan remains committed to the goals of global disarmament and prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and is an active supporter of a nuclear weapon free world.

In addition, the Permanent Representative noted the importance of the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia. M. Moldoisaeva stressed that represents an important step toward strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime, promoting cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and furthering cooperation in the environmental rehabilitation of territories affected by radioactive contamination.

It was emphasized that Kyrgyzstan attaches great importance to the issue of mitigating the environmental consequences of uranium mining and associated nuclear fuel cycle activities in the production of nuclear weapons. In this regard, M. Moldoisaeva noted, that at the current 73rd session of the UNGA, the Kyrgyz Republic initiated the resolution 73/238 entitled “The role of the international community in averting the radiation threat in Central Asia”, highlighting the importance of reclaiming areas affected by uranium production and recognizing the need to develop and promote effective programs for responsible and safe management of radioactive and toxic waste in Central Asia.

At the same time, M.Moldoisaeva drew attention to a vital issue of the role of education and training as tools to promote disarmament and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.