Videoconference between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Minister for Cooperation with the Countries of Eastern and Southeast Europe, Central Asia, North and South America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development of the United Kingdom


On December 9, 2020, a videoconference was held between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Mr. Ruslan A. Kazakbayev with the Minister for Cooperation with the Countries of Eastern and Southeast Europe, Central Asia, North and South America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development of the United Kingdom, H.E. Ms. Wendy Morton.

H.E. Ms. Wendy Morton expressed her interest in the development of the internal political situation in Kyrgyzstan. H.E. Mr. Ruslan A. Kazakbayev informed the interlocutor that the situation in the country is stable, the ongoing political processes have returned to the legal field, all branches of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic are legitimate.

H.E. Mr. Ruslan A. Kazakbayev noted that the multinational people of Kyrgyzstan are the only source of power in the country. He will have to choose a form of government acceptable for the country, parliamentary, presidential or mixed. Currently, there are active discussions and discussions in the society of all issues related to changes in the new Constitution. The events of October 5-10 showed that the freedom-loving people of Kyrgyzstan will never turn away from the democratic path of development. He expressed the hope that the friendly partners of the Kyrgyz Republic in the EU countries and in the UK clearly understand and understand the situation in the country. He also noted that on January 10, 2021, the presidential elections will be held in Kyrgyzstan and the subsequent constitutional reform.

Further, the sides discussed the preparation for the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-26), which will be held from November 1 to 12, 2021 in Glasgow, Great Britain. H.E. Ms. Wendy Morton, expressed hope for the participation of the Kyrgyz side in the work of this Conference. In turn, H.E. Mr. Ruslan A. Kazakbaev informed H.E. Ms. Wendy Morton about the work carried out in Kyrgyzstan aimed at the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, ratified by the Kyrgyz Republic in November 2019.