Speech of the Ambassador on a meeting requiem, devoted to memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union of Zhumash Asanaliyev


Speech of the Ambassador on a meeting requiem, devoted to memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union of Zhumash Asanaliyev

Dear veterans,

Dear Minskers and compatriots!

Dear colleagues!

These days we with special feeling of gratitude and pride remember those who have defended freedom and independence of the Homeland, heroically battling shoulder to shoulder in a deadly fight with fascism.

Our people are united by the general grief about the immense victims of war, pride for a historical feat of the veterans and home front workers who were bringing closer the Victory Day.

On fronts of the Great Patriotic War 375 thousand Kyrgyz people or every fourth inhabitant were at war and about 100 thousand from them have died in battles, about a third from them - on the earth of Belarus. For the shown heroism and courage over 73 Kyrgyz people are awarded ranks of the Hero of the Soviet Union, 34 are full gentlemen of awards of Glory, 175 thousand are awarded with fighting awards and medals.

Big and small monuments to heroes of the Great Patriotic War are in all cities and large villages in Kyrgyzstan and in Belarus. For us the mass grave on the suburb of the village of Uzrechye in the Vitebsk region where the Hero of the Soviet Union Zhumash Asanaliyev is buried became especially expensive.

The Great Patriotic War - the heartrending experience which has fallen to lot of our people. More of seven decades separate us of those terrible days. But also today the list of names of those who have given life those severe years is replenished. The victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War came daily, hourly feats and the victims of ordinary people. To this day it is important for each of us that the slogan "Nobody Is Forgotten, Nothing Is Forgotten" was not only pathos words, but also the management to real actions.

Family traditions - the most important elements of culture of any country. Last year by a Victory Day in the capital of Kyrgyzstan in Bishkek the festive action “Thanks to the Grandfather for the Victory!” has taken place. In this action descendants of veterans per day - on May 9, could place on city billboards - photos of the family, participants of war.

Dear veterans!

As a tribute to war heroes, in Kyrgyzstan have supported, and the action – “An immortal regiment” is annually carried out.

The immortal regiment is a reminder to present generations about the fate of residents of Belarus, besieged Leningrad, defenders of the Brest fortress, Moscow and Stalingrad and also home front workers.

The immortal regiment is the smallest that each of us can make that about soldiers and defenders of our Homeland there lived light memory. Won fascism, will forever function the Immortal regiment.

It is sure that the unprecedented heroism and self-sacrifice in fight against fascism shown in the years of war will always be a worthy example for present and future generations.

Dear veterans!

At Kyrgyz speak, without knowing the past, it is impossible to understand true meaning of the present and the purpose of the future. And, the monument to Kyrgyz hero Zhumash Asanaliyev established in the capital of Belarus is a memorable symbol of friendship and brotherhood between the people of Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

Such meetings are especially significant - it is transfer of memory and the truth about war. Thank you, dear veterans and Minskers!

Accept my congratulation with Victory Day!