The Embassy of Kyrgyz Republic in Belgium pays special attention to the value of oral folk art, the national heritage of the Kyrgyz people, popularization of the masterpiece of world folk poetry epic Manas


As part of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic "On additional measures for comprehensive study and popularization of the trilogy of the epic "Manas", several Belgian magazines and online publications published articles “Cultural Power of Kyrgyzstan: the epic “Manas” in English, French and Turkish.

The articles provide information on the treasure trove of the centuries-old history of the Kyrgyz people - the Manas epic, widely known in the nineteenth century as the most extensive epic work of the peoples of the world in terms of form and content.

The articles mentioned above, with the support of the Embassy, were written by Deira Soisal, a historian and environmental expert specializing in the history and geography of Central Asia and a PhD candidate at the Institute of Environmental Management and Land Use Planning at the Free University of Brussels.

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