Notarial issues

The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the UAE, within the framework of its authority provided by the regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, can carry out notarial actions.

Notarial actions are performed at the Embassy only on basis of personal presence of the applicant and the provision of the following documents:

1. Application.

2. Civil passport of a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. A color photocopy from two sides of the passport ID of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic (a color copy of national passport) the principal and the attorney (“representative”, “trustee”).

4. Depending on the type of notarial action, following documents must be provided:

• in the case of a declaration of consent to the departure of a minor child abroad, accompanied by another person - a copy of a birth certificate, a civil passport of the child, parents, accompanying person.

• in the case of management of immovable and movable property, a clear color photocopy of respective documents (technical certificate, house book, automobile technical certificate, purchase agreement, etc.).

5. Consular fees amount to 185 dirhams. Consular fees are paid after checking by the consul all provided documents.