Outlook World Culture Festival


"In the city of Kiev, Ukraine, the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Kyrgyz diaspora in Kiev took part in the 4th annual festival of cultures of the world -" Outlook World Culture Festival ".

October 7, 2017 in the hall of the Kyiv City Council, the opening of the IV-th annual festival of cultures of the world - "Outlook World Culture Festival".

More than 30 embassies of foreign countries accredited in Ukraine, and 14 small group of foreign peoples of Ukraine presented their cultural values, national traditions, folklore, literature and way of life to the guests. In the pavilion of Kyrgyzstan were exhibited products of folk art, national clothes, souvenirs and literary and art works of the Great Kyrgyz writer Ch. Aitmatov, as well as guests for tasting were offered various types of Kyrgyz «borsaks». The festival was visited by more than 6 thousand guests.