"Приверженность диалогу: Партнерство для предотвращения и поддержания мира"


Уважаемые участники,

Дамы и господа,

On behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic allow me to express gratitude to H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al Naser, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations as well as Government of Turkey and Spain for arranging the 8th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. Also I’d like to express my appreciation to previous speakers for their interesting and substantive statements.

The Forum’s chosen topic on the importance of dialogue and partnership in prevention of conflicts and threats, which are overwhelming the modern world, and support of peace is as relevant as never before.

The culture of dialogue and peaceful resolution of disputes is very important, and Kyrgyzstan finds it as one of the most precious achievements of human civilization. For a long time, the ability to discuss topical and problematic issues in fairly and trustful atmosphere helps in finding decisions to problems, solve long-standing disputes and in establishing fruitful cooperation.

The very commitment to peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue became one of the basic principles which the United Nations, the main dialogue platform of the world, is built on.  

At the same time, I’d like to mention that dialogue itself is not limited by framework of world politics. Moreover, the political dialogue and partnership are not possible without understanding of cultural differences and diversity. It very important in the current epoch which is becoming more and more conflict as it has been mentioned today. Despite the efforts of international community and its achievements, conflicts are still raging. The reason of these conflicts are religious, ethnic and cultural divisions and argues

That’s why the dialogue between cultures and civilizations is important as never before and the role in international dialogue platforms is hard to overestimate. The assistance of the Alliance in establishment and development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation allows to solve different problems on the way of establishment of proper multilateral dialogue and cooperation

Ladies and gentlemen,

         Unfortunately, there are forces and individuals in our world refusing dialogue and don not accept cultural and religious diversity of the world. Their so-called values are based on “black-and-white” view of this world which any disagreement with such false and distorted ideological patterns is considered to be wrong and demand immediate elimination and in its physical sense. These very principles are the impetus of any extremist and radical ideology which urges to use violence and aggressive propaganda in order to achieve their goals. And unfortunately these ideas still remain attractive as offer simple solutions of complex problems and current economic, political and social challenges.

This is the secret of magnetism and danger of the ideologies for young generation. In every country youth aspire to changes and better future. The use of this aspiration together with desire of young men to realize their full potential provide a state with opportunity for sustainable social and economic development. However, it is only possible when a state itself create necessary conditions for youth to realize the above-mentioned aspirations and desires in peaceful and practical way. If the state fails to provide the conditions such as a possibility to get good education, find a decent job and access to decision-making process make the youth vulnerable before radical ideology which offer to solve problems with simple means as terrorism and violence. 

Understanding the danger of negative influence of radical ideas upon the youth Kyrgyzstan is implementing a coherent national policy aimed at prevention of violent extremism manifestations and sustaining peace.

In order to increase effectiveness of public bodies in countering the extremism and terrorism Government of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the Counter-Terrorism Program for 2017-2022 which is the basis of national policy in sphere of combating terrorism and extremism, protection of citizens, society and State. The main dimension of the Program is the improvement of public and non-governmental activity, legislative mechanisms as well as interaction in sphere of extremism and terrorism prevention.

Taking into account the importance of sectarian dialogue development the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the Concept of National Policy in Religious Sphere for 2014-2020 which is aimed at strengthening of interfaith harmony, religious tolerance and countering the religious extremism on the basis of the principles of human rights and freedom of religion.

Understanding the danger of propaganda of violent ideology and involvement of youth in different destructive organizations the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the Youth Policy Development Strategy for 2017-2020. One of the main aims of the Strategy is establishment and implementation of special measures to prevent the spread of religious extremism among youth.

The important contribution in promotion of intercultural dialogue not only at the national but on the regional level is arrangement of the World Nomad Games in Kyrgyzstan. This year the Third World Nomad Games took place in September under the UNESCO patronage, and demonstrated the commitment of countries and peoples to ideals of equality, mutual respect of cultures and cooperation on the basis of peace and consent.

Distinguished participants of the Forum,

On behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic I want to express our full support to the Alliance activities which contribute to the cause of intercultural cooperation. The practical strengthening and partnership between different civilizations and cultures which is conducted by the Alliance in coalition with states allows us to hope that the dialogue will help to overcome conflict and violence as means of solving disputes and problems. 

Kyrgyzstan will continue to promote the Alliance principles on strengthening mutual understanding between civilizations in order to achieve global peace and harmony.

Thank very much.