About the meeting of the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Czech Republic with the residence in Vienna T.Makeev with Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament J.Bartosek


On 16 February, 2024 in Prague, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Czech Republic with the residence in Vienna T.K.Makeyev met with the Vice-Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Jan Bartošek.

During the meeting Jan Bartošek shared warm memories of his visit to the Kyrgyz Republic in September 2022, during which he visited various regions of the country.

The parties discussed the possibilities for further development of Kyrgyz-Czech inter-parliamentary cooperation, expansion of trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian ties and in the field of education.

The importance of establishing contacts at the level of Committees, Friendship Groups and the Offices of the Parliaments of the two countries was noted for the mutual exchange of visits of Speakers of the two countries. Issues of interaction between the Parliaments of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Czech Republic within the framework of the European Union, the European Parliament, and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly were also considered.

Vice-Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic J.Bartošek expressed his readiness to provide the necessary support and assistance in the implementation of joint Kyrgyz Czech projects in specific areas of cooperation.

During the meeting the parties also exchanged views on issues on the international agenda.