Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Austria Tolendy Makeyev met with the Director General for Economic Affairs, Innovation and International Policy of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics of Austria Florian Frauscher


On 28 February, 2024 in Vienna the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Austria Tolendy Makeyev met with the Director General for Economic Affairs, Innovation and International Policy of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics of Austria Florian Frauscher.

During the meeting the parties discussed current issues of economic cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and Austria, and noted the significant potential for further strengthening of interaction.

Besides, during the meeting the issues of implementing the results of the 8th meeting of the Kyrgyz-Austrian Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation, held on September 22, 2022 in Bishkek, were discussed, and plans were outlined for holding the next 9th meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission in Vienna in the second half of 2024.

In the field of tourism, a Kyrgyz-Austrian round table on tourism is planned to be held on March 8, 2024 in Vienna.

The parties also discussed the implementation of specific joint economic projects in the field of hydropower and tourism.