Discussed topical issues of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Kuwait in the field of culture


On April 24, 2024, Charge d'Affaires of the Kyrgyz Republic to the State of Kuwait O. Gaparov held a meeting with the Assistant Secretary General of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature of the State of Kuwait, Mrs. Aisha Adnan Al-Mahmoud. During the meeting, in order to strengthen friendly and cultural ties, the parties discussed the Implementation Program in the field of culture for 2023-2025, which signed within the framework of the Third meeting of the Kyrgyz-Kuwaiti Intergovernmental Commission.

As part of the 80th anniversary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the State of Kuwait, the parties agreed to hold Culture Days in the capitals of the two countries during 2024, as well as a fair of Kyrgyz national clothing and tourism exhibitions in the State of Kuwait. In addition, negotiations took place on organizing the Kyrgyz Cinema Day in Kuwait.

At the and of the meeting, the parties outlined further steps to develop cooperation and agreed to maintain close communication.