A special edition of the magazine "Yerli Düşünce" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic has been published


A special edition of the magazine "Yerli Düşünce" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic has been published. It contains of articles by Vice-President of Turkey Fuat Oktay, Ambassador Kubanychbek Omuraliev, Senior Adviser to the President of Turkey Yalchyn Topchu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Rifat Hisarciklioglu, member of Turkish parliament and Head of Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Turkey Sabri Ozturk, member of Turkish parliament Metin Gundogdu, Rector of Kyrygz Turkish University "Manas"  Prof. Alpaslan Ceylan and Rector of Ankara University  Prof. Necdet Unuvar, Prof. Hülya Kasapoğlu, Prof. Nurullah Çetin, Prof. Hayrettin Ivgin, Orhan Söylemez, Oğuzhan Akyener. Articles were written about bilateral relations between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, the ancient history of the country and its rich culture, the Manas epic and prominent personalities, as well as contain the information about the tourism potential and investment opportunities of Kyrgyzstan.

For review the magazine can be downloaded from the link below:
