Speech by Ambassador J.Rustenbekov at the presentation of the novel by Ch.Aitmatov "When the mountains fall" in the Tajik language


(December 27, 2018, National Library of Tajikistan, Dushanbe)

Dear friends,

Let me welcome you and thank you for participating in our today's event.

As you know, Aitmatov is a great personality rarely repeated in the history of mankind. A man of colossal intelligence who brought Kyrgyz literature to a planetary level. Thanks to Aitmatov, the world learned about Kyrgyz literature.

Chyngyz Aitmatov is one of the most widely read modern writers. His books have been translated into 170 languages, published in a total circulation of over 60 million copies.

It should be noted that the work of Ch. Aitmatov is revered in Tajikistan. Since the 1960s, almost all of his works have been translated and published in Tajik.

Chyngyz Aitmatov repeatedly visited Tajikistan and met with the Tajik intelligentsia. He took an active part in all the celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Sadriddin Aini, and the jubilees of Mirzo Tursunzade. Everyone knows his warm friendship with the Tajik poet Mirzo Tursunzade, the writer Akbar Tursun and the poetess Gulruhsor Sofieva.

As a peacemaker in spirit, Chyngyz Aitmatov understood the tragedy of the inter-Tajik conflict, therefore he repeatedly stated that the inter-Tajik conflict is a huge tragedy, both for the Tajik people and for the whole of Central Asia.

After the start of the peace process in 2000, when Tajikistan entered a new era, Aitmatov was always interested in the process of restoring the country, developing its economy and culture. He was a great friend of the Tajik people.


Dear friends,


In honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Ch. Aytmatov and in order to strengthen cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, this year, with the financial assistance of the Embassy, ​​the last novel of Ch. Aitmatov “When the mountains fall” was published Tajik language. The novel was translated by a Tajik writer, member of the Writers' Union of Tajikistan, Hikmat Rakhmat.

To fully familiarize Tajik readers, let us donate some of the published books to the National Library of Tajikistan (400 copies) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan (300 copies).

We are confident that the work of Aitmatov will serve as another basis for the further development and strengthening of cultural and humanitarian ties and friendship between our countries.

In conclusion, let me express my gratitude to the writer Hikmat Rakhmat, Adib publishing house and all our friends who helped to publish this novel.