Useful information

Recommendations for disaster preparedness in Japan.

Emergency checklist.

All the islands of the Japanese archipelago are located in a zone of increased seismic activity, thus, the territory of Japan is one of the most seismically active places in the world and constantly faces the existing threat of deadly earthquakes and typhoons. About a thousand perceptible tremors occur here every year. Given the regular shocks of varying intensity across the island, the likelihood of severe damage from the earthquake in the Tokyo area and the rest of Japan is very high. The consequences of such an earthquake will differ significantly depending on the time of day and year, and, as a rule, it is impossible to predict with confidence and accuracy when and where a strong earthquake of destructive force will occur. As a result of a strong earthquake, strong tsunamis and floods are also possible in Japan.

It will be reasonable if you and your family members are well prepared for the consequences of a strong earthquake. Each family should develop its own emergency plan and make sure that you and your family are familiar with the precautions and safety measures in emergency situations. You should carefully familiarize yourself with the plans of the government in your area (where you live) how to behave in emergency situations.

Please, read the information on how it is better to be prepared for natural disasters.

The role of the Embassy. The Japanese government will be responsible for assisting foreign nationals immediately after the earthquake. Telephone services will be heavily overloaded, and the Japanese government will restrict telephone use for priority users. However, the Embassy will make every effort to establish the whereabouts and security of compatriots.

To assist in this process, you must cooperate with the Japanese authorities in carrying out an evacuation from the places affected by a strong earthquake. If you are involved in a large organization, such as companies, schools, or universities, you should try to make these organizations aware of your well-being and location.

The Embassy will be in constant contact with the government and municipal bodies of the prefectures and cities of Japan in order to try to determine the location and security of our citizens. In case that it is impossible to communicate using the means of telephone or mobile communication, consular officers are ready to get to the main places of evacuation of the population in international schools, hotels, and so on, and collect information about compatriots. The Embassy will help you get information about the situation and, if necessary, contact the Japanese authorities in order to receive the necessary assistance in the form of food, shelter and medical assistance.

The Embassy will transmit as much information as possible about the status of compatriots to the Consular Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic so that this information can be passed on to your family, friends and organizations that sent you to Japan.

Important. The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Japan strongly recommends that all compatriots in Japan do not neglect the possibility of registering with the consular section of the Embassy (consular registration of citizens), thus, in advance to worry about their safety in case of natural disasters and other man-made disasters. We believe that by providing us with the address of your place of residence in Japan, personal contact details (phone numbers, email addresses, etc.), as well as contact details of persons with whom the Embassy staff can contact if necessary, you will give us an opportunity to act promptly in case of emergency on the territory of Japan and targeted to provide you with the necessary assistance.

How to contact us

Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic to Japan

1-5-7 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073

Tel .: 03-6809-4949

Fax: 03-6453-8279

Hotline: 090-6378-7231


Nearest stations: (Tokyo Metro) Azabujuban station (6 minutes walk), Akabanebashi station (4 minutes walk).

Recommendations during an earthquake

Always be prepared for emergencies and do not panic when this happens.

Have an emergency survival kit on hand to use it when you need it.

In the event of a large earthquake in every district of the cities and prefectures of Japan there are places for the evacuation of the population. It is necessary to study and remember where they are located in your area, and it is also important to plan in advance the route to the place of evacuation in case of emergencies.

It is necessary to study the necessary phrases and words in Japanese and English, so that you can call for help, communicating with emergency medical and other assistance services in case of emergencies, as well as to find information about food, water and housing.

For all residents in the disaster zone the first necessary assistance will be provided by the Japanese government services: medicines, food, water, and temporary housing. There will be no special premises for foreign citizens, and the Embassy will most likely not be able to provide special facilities or emergency general evacuation for its citizens in the event of a strong and destructive earthquake throughout Japan.

Early warning system

The Japan Meteorological Agency provides an early earthquake warning. Earthquake alerts will be posted immediately after the early shocks, in order to provide residents with time for protection before strong shocks. Please note that these warnings, when they are accurate, can give you preparation time from only a few minutes to a few hours. Preparation is of paramount importance. An earthquake early warning system is provided to the public through several means of communication, such as television, radio and mobile phones (by sending a message as a signal). However, as a rule, earthquakes, including destructive forces, cannot be predicted, and they occur unexpectedly.


Essentials that need to be kept on hand for emergencies (stock for three to five days)

Passports and basic identification documents (as well as their photocopies).

• Water (four liters per person per day). Change the water every three to five months.

• Food (canned or pre-cooked foods that do not require thermal cooking or water).

• Flashlight with spare batteries.

• Portable radio with spare batteries.

• Large plastic bags (for garbage, waste, water retention, temporary blanket).

• Hand soap and / or hand sanitizer in the form of a gel that does not require water.

• Hygiene supplies, baby supplies, toilet paper.

• Essential drugs as needed and glasses if you usually wear contact lenses.

• Paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, cooking foils, plastic films and paper towels.

• First aid kit with instructions.

• Yen in a small bill (ATMs after a disaster may not work), coins and telephone cards for public telephones.

• Keep mobile phones in places where they are less likely to be lost and broken as a result of an earthquake from falling objects.

Recommendations to the main actions about readiness for disasters

• Have a plan of your home showing the location of the exit, windows and doors, and points with fire safety items.

• Provide a gathering place for all family members in case of evacuation.

• Provide an alternative gathering place in the event that the whole family is not at home, for example, evacuation sites in your area, a neighbor’s house, a park, a school, etc.

• Agree with other family members about behavior and coordinated actions in cases of disruptions in communications. This is especially true of the behavior of children. Keep cell phones charged.

• Familiarize yourself with the evacuation plan for your place of permanent residence (place of work, study, school where your children study).

• Get to know your neighbors and familiarize them with your family members.

• Examine large parks and population evacuation points coming from your place of residence, study or work.

• Additionally, store photocopies of your passport and other important documents in other places (for example at work).

• Find out how to contact the police, medical, fire and rescue services in your area. Learn the necessary phrases and words in Japanese and English so that you can call for help, communicating with the emergency services and other emergency services.

• Contact relatives, friends, or the Embassy and inform them about your situation.

• There will be drinking water, food and medicine at the evacuation sites in your area.

Also read the information of Tokyo Metropolitan Government about disaster measures: