
            The Kyrgyz Republic has joined United Nations Organization (UNO) in March 2, 1992. This day UN General Assembly adopted a resolution 46/225 which resolved to accept the Kyrgyz Republic in the full-fledged members of the organization.
       The Kyrgyz Republic considers UN in the capacity of authoritative and universal international organization. UN is the center of problem-solving in maintenance of peace and security, development of amicable relations between nations, accomplishment of cooperation in solving problems of development, decrease of poverty scale, assistance in observance of human rights, environmental protection, struggle against diseases and many other challenges and problems which trouble the humankind.
          Cooperation of the Kyrgyz Republic with UN is considered in the light of foreign directions priority for the country - realization of states which are noted in the resolutions of sustainable mountain development, rendering of assistance to poor mountain countries, green development, socioeconomic subjects, achievement of the Goals of Millennium development, elaboration of the goals of sustainable development on the after-2015 period, war on terrorism, drugs traffic, security problems, protection and encouragement of human rights, water-energy issues, reclaiming of uranium tailing dumps.
      The most significant events of KR membership in UN are the acceptance by the UN General Assembly of the resolutions which were initiated by the Kyrgyz side: "Celebration of the Millennium of Kyrgyz national epos "Manas", 1995", "International Mountains Year, 2002" (the 53rd session), "Course of preparation for the International Mountains Year" (the 55th session), "Sustainable development in mountainous regions" (the 58th session), "Mutuality to the poor mountainous countries in overcoming interception in socioeconomic and ecologic regions" (the 59th session), "Sustainable mountain development" (the 60th, 62nd, 64th, 66th sessions), "Celebration of Kyrgyz Statehood Year" (the 57th session), "International day of Social Justice" (the 62nd session), "About the role of international community in radiation menace prevention in Central Asia" (the 68th session) and a set of resolutions on the nuclear-free zone in Central Asia (the last resolution on nuclear-free zone was adopted on the last year's 67th session).

During the years of independence the following specialized agencies, organizations and programs of UN system were founded in the Kyrgyz Republic: UN Development Program (UNDP), UN Children Foundation (UNICEF), UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), "UN-Women" Structure, UN High Commissioner Direction on the issues of refugees (UNCDR), UN Direction Office on Drugs and Crime Control (UNODC) at alias.
          KR contributes to the UN peacemaking activity. At present, 36 Kyrgyz peacemakers serve as military observers and civil policemen in the UN missions in Liberia, Sudan, Dar-fur, Abyei and Haiti.
         The Kyrgyz Republic, trying to play an active role in the UN activity, repeatedly was elected to various UN elective bodies and leading structures of its specialized agencies, in the number of which there are General Committee of UN General Assembly, UN Human Rights Council, Board of Governors of UNEP, Conferences Committee, Executive Council UNDP/UNFPA, Drugs Commission, Sustainable Development Commission, Nongovernmental Organizations Committee, Crimes Prevention and Criminal Justice Commission, Women Status Commission, International Telecommunication Union.

At present time the Kyrgyz Republic is:
1. The member of Economic and Social Council (ESC);
2. The member of Intergovernmental Committee UNESCO on Protection of Immaterial Cultural Heritage;
3. The member of intergovernmental expert workgroup on international standards of accounting and reporting;
4. The member of Radio regulation committee of International Telecommunication Union.

          In May 29, 2012 the candidacy of the Kyrgyz Republic was nominated for the UN Narcotic Control Commission for the period of 2016-2019. The elections will take place in the frames of the 70th session of UN General Assembly in 2015.
In April 2, 2013 the candidacy of the Kyrgyz Republic was nominated for the UN Human Rights Committee for the period of 2016-2018. The elections will take place in the frames of the 70th session of UN General Assembly in 2015.