Presentation of the World Nomad Games III


Presentation of the World Nomad Games III

On May 3, 2018, the Permanent Representation of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva organized and held a large presentation dedicated to the forthcoming World Nomad Games to be held on September 2-8, 2018 on the shore of Issyk-Kul Lake.

During the event, which was organized for representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organizations, local authorities, private companies, the non-governmental sector, as well as the Kyrgyz diaspora living in Switzerland, the Permanent Representation organized a video presentation, a photo exhibition, as well as a reception for the audience of about 200 guests, dedicated to World Nomad Games.

During the presentation, the Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Nations in Geneva, D.Mukashev informed the participants about the history, concept and goals of the World Nomad Games, as well as about the tourist and cultural potential of our country, inviting to visit Kyrgyzstan during the upcoming games.


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