Speech of Permanent Representative of the KR to the UN on eradication of gender violence in KR


Violence against women remain a widespread problem in the world and Kyrgyzstan, unfortunately, is not the exception. According to different surveys women often suffer from family violence. Most of victims (95 per cent) of such violence are women. Among them 25% of married women at the age from 15 to 49 years suffered from physical and sexual abuse. 7 per cent of women faced abuse during pregnancy and 3 per cent of them suffered from sexual abuse. 98 per cent of aggressors were their husbands and partners.  

Nevertheless, law enforcement bodies do not intend to hide or lessen statistics of the crimes related with violence against women. From 2004 to 2016 law enforcement bodies gave 14 thousand temporary protection orders for women, children, elders and persons with disabilities.

We can say that family violence statistic of one of the best among CIS countries. The Internal Affairs Ministry and judicial bodies stress out such statistics from database of criminal and administrative penalties and maintain records of the protection orders.

Such statistics allows to get quite full idea about individuals committed family violence and individuals who suffered from it. There is also a special form of statute in the framework of national healthcare system which includes medical reports about all forms of violence including torture, ill-treatment, family violence and neglect. Healthcare workers inform the Police and the Attorney Office about all cases of violence.

The work on eradication of poverty continues in sphere of legislation. In April 2017 the Law “On protection from family violence” was passed in the Kyrgyz Republic. The law replaces the Law “On Social and Legal Protection from Family Violence” of 2016. The new law reconsiders and widens legal definition of “family violence” which now include economic abuse and threat to commit violent acts. The list of bodies enforcing the law is also widened. New responsibilities of the bodies responsible for protection from family violence are also described in this new law. According this new law victim can have a safety haven for temporary living and perpetrators must go through correction program in accordance with court’s decision.

In addition, the Law “On Amendments in Legal Acts of Kyrgyz Republic (the Family Code and Crime Code)” in 2016. The amendments are aimed at strengthening of institution of marriage and family. According the law clergymen who blessed marriage before registration at the Population Registration Office and marriages with underaged persons will be prosecuted.

Thus, the Kyrgyz Republic continue to follow the principle of total eradication of violence against women and family violence as necessary precondition of complete implementation of women’s rights and gender balance.


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