Речь Посла Кыргызской Республики в США и Канаде Бакыта Аманбаева в 5-м ежегодном Транс-Каспийском форуме



Dear Forum participants,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, let me thank my colleague from the Caspian Political Center for the opportunity to speak today on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic. I would also like to thank the organizers of this forum.

Despite the fact that geographically Kyrgyzstan is not included in the number of the Caspian states, the issues of the Forum are very close and relevant for my country for the following reasons:

Firstly: We all have a deep historical and cultural community for many years. The Great Silk Road, which historically came from China and India, crossed Central Asia, flowed into the Caspian region and further connected Great Asia with the countries of the Old World

Secondly: Many of us today are partners in many integration unions and associations. Most of us are post-Soviet countries and have a lot in common in the socio-economic sphere.

Thirdly: We are all under the pressure of global natural challenges, such as global warming, environmental pollution and pandemics - Covid-19 forever changed our world and caused a significant slowdown in the development of the world economy

The past 2020 was a very difficult year for almost all countries in the world. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has become the biggest challenge to the global economy, and our country is no exception. The volume of GDP in 2020 decreased by 8.6%, the inflation rate reached 9.7%, and the poverty level in 2020, according to the World Bank, increased from 20.% to 31%

The economy is still in a state of high turbulence in 2021.
In this regard, the main goal of the macroeconomic policy of Kyrgyzstan for the coming years will be to create conditions for the restoration of the country's economic development and increasing the level of well-being of the population. 

We understand very well that Kyrgyzstan cannot achieve all this alone.

One of the main key to the early economic recovery, we see in the further attraction of foreign investment in our economy and deep integration of the country into regional and global economic trends.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Forum Participants.

To someone, God gave enormous hydrocarbon riches, and to others - a favorable geographic location or sources of crystal clear drinking water and high water rivers. Only by combining our common potential will we be able to overcome all the challenges and threats of our time.

The history of the Great Silk Road gives us an invaluable hint in what directions new trade routes can and should be laid, what infrastructure projects can unite our countries for mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation.

Kyrgyzstan has been and remains open to any dialogue on the search for new ideas for the welfare of our peoples on a clean and peaceful planet.

In conclusion, let me wish fruitful work to our Forum and once again thank the organizers for the opportunity to see you all.


Thank you for attention!


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