Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Ulanbek Totuiaev met with CEO «Belt and Road Consultants Pvt Ltd», «Diplomatic Insight Group», Chief Editor of «The Diplomatic Insight» magazine and President of the Institute for Peace and Diplomatic Studies

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Ulanbek Totuiaev met with CEO «Belt and Road Consultants Pvt Ltd», «Diplomatic Insight Group», Chief Editor of «The Diplomatic Insight» magazine, Mr. Muhammad Asif Noor and President of the Institute for Peace and Diplomatic Studies Mrs. Farhat Asif.

During the conversation, issues on strengthening cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan in the field of science, culture, tourism, trade and investment were discussed.

Following the meeting, the interlocutors agreed to work out the organization of joint events for the business circles of the two countries, establish contacts with business associations, and establish information exchange.

The parties reached an agreement on the visit of the Pakistani business delegation to Kyrgyzstan within a year.