Ambassador Taalai Bazarbaev met with the Sergio Tamborini, the President “Sistema Moda Italia” Association

On May 23, 2024, Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan in Italy Taalai Bazarbaev met   the Association of Italian Clothing and Textile Manufacturers “Sistema Moda Italia” Sergio Tamborini. The meeting was also attended by General Director Gianfranco Di Natale and the Head of the International Office of the Association, Federica Dottori.

During the meeting, T. Bazarbayev expressed the interest of the Kyrgyz side in developing an active cooperation with Italian companies in the field of light industry and fashion and presented the information on high-quality products produced by clothing companies in Kyrgyzstan and the benefits and preferences provided by the state for foreign investors.

The Ambassador invited the management of Sistema Moda Italia to visit Kyrgyzstan to get acquainted with the production market and establish direct contacts between entrepreneurs of the two countries.

S. Tamborini noted his readiness to explore possible areas of cooperation, as well as to assist in attracting interested Italian companies to Kyrgyzstan to implement mutually beneficial projects.

Taking into account the growing demand for wool, cotton and silk materials in the world, including Italy, the President of the association paid special attention to the importance of developing a raw material base of the textile industry in Kyrgyzstan.

At the end of the meeting the parties discussed perspectives of possible participation of the Kyrgyz side in exhibition events in Italy and the mutual exchange of advanced experience and technologies in the production process.

For reference: “Sistema Moda Italia” is one of the largest European organizations representing manufacturers of the light industry, as well as the fashion industry, which unites about 50,000 companies. «SIM» promotes the interests of the industry at the national and international level in cooperation with government agencies and various private organizations.