Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva D.Mukashev took part in the welcome ceremony dedicated to the launch of long-term World Trade Organization (WTO) internships in 2021

On March 5 2021, Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva D.Mukashev took part in the welcome ceremony dedicated to the launch of long-term World Trade Organization (WTO) internships in 2021.

These internships funded by France, Ireland and Netherlands are designed to support the developing countries with limited institutional capacity in training specialists in formulating and implementation of trade policies. The representative of Kyrgyz Republic Ms. Diliana Alimzhanova will participate in 10-months internship this year in Geneva. 

In his address, Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic D.Mukashev extended his gratitude to the donor-countries and WTO for providing an opportunity for Kyrgyzstan to participate in training of specialists in trade sphere and emphasized importance for the country to use its rights within WTO.

So far, nine representatives of Kyrgyzstan took part in similar Geneva internships and have currently used their knowledge in trade sphere working at different state bodies.