The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Türkiye Ruslan Kazakbaev met with the members of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye

On January 26, 2023, Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev met with a group of members of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye: Chairman of the Commission for the Investigation of Human Rights Violations Mr.Hakan Cavusoglu, Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee Mr.Refik Ozen, Deputy Chairman of the Commission on the Environment Mr.Muhammet Mufit Aydin, Deputy Chairman of the Investigation Committee Mr.Osman Mesten, Member of the Planning and Budget Committee Mr.Ahmet Kılıç and Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee Mr.Attila Odunç .

During the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation of mutual interest. Satisfaction with the high strategic level of fraternal relations between countries and peoples based on a common history, culture and language was expressed, and issues of implementing the agreements reached during the official visit of the Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) of the Kyrgyz Republic Nurlan Shakiyev to the Republic of Türkiye in November, 2022, were discussed.

Ambassador Kazakbaev informed the Turkish deputies in detail about the initiative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zhaparov on the exchange of the country's external debt for the implementation of green initiatives, and also informed that the Kyrgyz Republic has taken a firmly course towards the development of the "green economy" and invited the Turkish side to take an active part .

The sides reached agreements on the implementation of joint projects in the fields of economy and healthcare, including the early establishment of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Development Fund, as well as the resumption of the implementation of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of healthcare and medical sciences, which provides for annual free treatment of 150 citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic in medical institutions in Türkiye. Ambassador Kazakbaev expressed a request for assistance in expanding the provided quota to 500 people per year, as well as in facilitating the conditions for the stay of citizens of Kyrgyzstan in Türkiye.

The meeting was also attended by Consul General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Istanbul Lira Sydykova and Honorary Consul of the Kyrgyz Republic in Bursa Bilal Tutush.