The Ambassador Kanaiym Baktygulova met with the Vice Minister of the International Department of the Communist party of China Central Committee Qian Hongshan

In October 29, 2020 the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the People’s Republic of China Kanaiym Baktygulova met with the Vice Minister of the International Department of the Communist party of China Central Committee Qian Hongshan.

During the meeting, Ambassador K.Baktygulova informed about stabilizing the political situation and returning it to the legal channel. She underlined that the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and all state and administrative bodies are working normally.

She noted that the Kyrgyz Republic remains fully committed to all its international obligations. She emphasized that China remains one of the priority areas in Kyrgyzstan’s foreign policy. Kyrgyzstan is ready to continue cooperation on the basis of friendship, good-neighborliness and mutual understanding.

In turn, Qian Hongshan noted that China and Kyrgyzstan are connected by mountains and rivers, and the two countries have a common fate. The peaceful and stable development of a friendly neighbor is very important for China. He expressed hope that all political forces will be directed to the rapid stabilization of the situation in the country, and the existing issues and conflicts will be resolved peacefully within the framework of the law. It is also hoped that the rights of Chinese investors in Kyrgyzstan will be protected in order to avoid damage to joint projects under the building of the “Belt and Road”.

Ambassador K.Baktygulova stressed that the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic is taking the appropriate measures to ensure security for foreign investors and foreign citizens working in Kyrgyzstan. 

Both sides also discussed issues of public debt settlement, inter-party and inter-parliamentary cooperation, joint fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, cargo transportation through checkpoints, joint events in connection with the upcoming anniversaries in 2021 – the 30th anniversary of Kyrgyzstan’s independence, the 100th anniversary of the Communist party of China, the 70th anniversary of the creation of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee.