The Ambassador R.Kazakbaev congratulated the Secretary General of the TURKSOY S.Raev on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of organization

On July 12, 2023, Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev visited the headquarters of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) to congratulate the Secretary General of the organization Sultan Raev on the 30th anniversary of the establishment TURKSOY.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the organization, Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev wished the leadership and staff of TURKSOY successful activities for the benefit of strengthening brotherhood and friendship, as well as developing cultural ties between the Turkic peoples.

In his congratulatory speech, Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev also highly appreciated the activities of the organization for the preservation and promotion of the rich Turkic cultural heritage throughout the world, and noted that Kyrgyzstan, being an inseparable part of the Turkic world, intends to continue to take an active part in the cultural integration process of the Turkic states.

In turn, the Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev expressed his gratitude for the congratulations and warm wishes, as well as for the attention and support for the activities of TURKSOY and the contribution of Kyrgyzstan to the development of the organization over the entire period of its existence.

At the end of the meeting in honor of the anniversary date, Secretary General Sultan Raev has awarded a commemorative medal "30 years of TURKSOY" to Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev.

On July 12, 2023, Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev visited the headquarters of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) to congratulate the Secretary General of the organization Sultan Raev on the 30th anniversary of the establishment TURKSOY.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the organization, Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev wished the leadership and staff of TURKSOY successful activities for the benefit of strengthening brotherhood and friendship, as well as developing cultural ties between the Turkic peoples.

In his congratulatory speech, Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev also highly appreciated the activities of the organization for the preservation and promotion of the rich Turkic cultural heritage throughout the world, and noted that Kyrgyzstan, being an inseparable part of the Turkic world, intends to continue to take an active part in the cultural integration process of the Turkic states.

In turn, the Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev expressed his gratitude for the congratulations and warm wishes, as well as for the attention and support for the activities of TURKSOY and the contribution of Kyrgyzstan to the development of the organization over the entire period of its existence.

At the end of the meeting in honor of the anniversary date, Secretary General Sultan Raev has awarded a commemorative medal "30 years of TURKSOY" to Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev.