World Day of Social Justice on the theme “Achieving social justice through formal employment

On February 21, 2022, at the initiative of the Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN in New York, the office of the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Development Program in New York, an event was organized on the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice on the theme “Achieving social justice through formal employment.

The event was attended by Director General of the ILO Guy Ryder, President of the UN Economic and Social Council - Permanent Representative of Botswana to the UN Mr. Collen Vixen Kelapile, Head of the EU Delegation to the UN Mr. Olof Skoog, Permanent Representative of Malawi to the UN - Chair of the Group of Least Developed Countries Ms. Agnes Chimbiri Molande and Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the UN and Co-Chair of the Anti-Poverty Alliance Mr. Tijjani Muhammad Bande.

The General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation Ms. Sharan Burrow, the Secretary-General of the International Organization of Employers Mr. Roberto Suarez Santos, and representatives of Member States and UN institutions, as well as academia also attended the event.

Experts in the field of formal employment from UNDP, ILO and the Department of National Planning of Colombia spoke at the panel discussion of the event.

Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic Aida Kasymalieva delivered an opening speech in which she emphasized that in order to achieve social justice and provide decent work for everyone, including women and youth, on the initiative of Kyrgyzstan and with the broad support of partners and international organizations, February 20 was declared as the World Day of Social Justice.

Permanent Representative Aida Kasymalieva noted the importance of supporting the initiatives outlined in the report of Secretary General António Guterres "Our Common Agenda" and "Global Accelerator for Jobs and Universal Social Protection". During her speech, she also stressed that investment in human capital is investment in the development of the country, the economy and social justice.

In addition, the participants of the event were informed about the ongoing work of the state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic to improve the situation in the field of formal employment.

The participants of the event stressed the importance of further building up active interaction between the UN member states, key international organizations and all interested parties to achieve social justice through formal employment. It is worth noting that the majority of the participants of the event took notice of the leading role of the Kyrgyz Republic in promoting issues of social justice.