Means charged for the provision of consular services

In accordance with Decree No. 85 of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Approval of the Unified Register (List) of Public Services Provided by Executive Authorities, Their Structural Divisions and Subordinate Institutions” dated February 10, 2012, in order to optimize the system of providing public services to individuals and legal entities, the Government f the Kyrgyz Republic approved Regulations No.839 On Consular Fees and Rates of Consular Fees dated December 18, 2012

Consular fees are payments collected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and its representative offices on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter referred to as the bodies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Kyrgyz Republic abroad (hereinafter referred to as foreign agencies) for the activities the bodies of the Ministry of Foreign Ministry and its foreign agencies carry out in the interests of legal entities or individuals of the Kyrgyz Republic and foreign states.

Consular fees are collected in accordance with the international treaties to which the Kyrgyz Republic is a party and which have entered into force in the manner prescribed by law, the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Consular fees are collected prior to consular services. The consular fee is not returned to the applicant in the following cases:

- if the consular service has already been completed, but the applicant refuses it;

- if the application is considered, and the decision taken does not satisfy the applicant.

Consular fee rates are the same for all individuals and legal entities, with the exception of cases provided for in the Regulations on Consular Fees.

Name of Consular Services

Means charged for the provision of consular services (KGS)

Means charged for the provision of consular services (USD)

Processing visas and rendering of visa support

1) processing of a single-entry visa:


- up to 1 month



2) extension of the term of a single entry visa:


- for every 30 days (up to 1 month)



3) extension of the term of a single student visa:


- for every 30 days (up to 1 month)



4) processing of a multi-entry visa


- up to 1 month



5) extension of the validity period of a multiple entry visa:


- for every 30 days (up to 1 month)



6) extension of the validity period of a multiple-entry student visa:


- for every 30 days (up to 1 month)



7) Processing of a transit visa:



- up to five days



8) issuing an exit visa; 
transfer of a visa to a new travel document



9) processing of visa support for one person