On April 10, 2023, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Korea A. Ismailova visited the Dermal Korea cosmetics factory and held a meeting with the General Director of the company Yongho Zhun.


On April 10, 2023, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Korea A.Ismailova visited the Dermal Korea cosmetics factory and met with the General Director of the company Yongho Jun.

As part of the ongoing work to open branches of Korean companies in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Korea, Aida Ismailova, visited the Dermal Korea cosmetics factory and met with the General Director of the company Yongho Jun.

During the meeting, Ambassador A. Ismailova informed about the advantages of opening a plant in the country, taking into account the GSP+ status and membership of the Kyrgyz Republic in the EAEU, and also suggested opening a production facility in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Yongho Jun informed about the plans of expanding the company and expressed interest in opening a production facility in Kyrgyzstan.  Made a presentation about the products.  He noted that the company not only produces cosmetic products, but also conducts relevant research and development work to produce high-quality skin care products.
 During the meeting, an inspection of the full cycle of company’s cosmetics production took place.

For reference: "Dermal Korea" is one of the leading companies in South Korea for the production of cosmetic products, the volume of products is 320 million units per year and is exported to a number of countries in particular, such as the USA, Russia, Japan, etc.