The 2nd Kyrgyz-Korean business forum in the field of textile and light industry


On August 9, 2023, in Bishkek, the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of Korea and the Department of Economic Diplomacy, together with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic and the National Investment Agency under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, organized the 2nd Kyrgyz-Korean business forum in the field of textile and light industry with participation of more than 100 representatives of Kyrgyz and Korean companies. From the Korean side, the event was organized by the Korea Dyeing and finishing Institute (DYETEC) and the Korea Institute for Advancement Technology (KIAT).

During the business forum, the Kyrgyz and Korean parties made presentations on the light industry of the Kyrgyz Republic and on modern trends and technologies for the development of the textile industry in the world. In addition, within the framework of the event, B2B meetings were held between interested companies of the two countries. During these meetings contacts were established for further fruitful cooperation.

The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Korea A. Ismailova in her speech highlighted the successful cooperation with the Korean side in the field of light industry, in particular, she emphasized that this year through the joint efforts of the parties the second Kyrgyz-Korean business forum is already being held in Bishkek. She expressed hope that this forum would be an annual event, and would also contribute to the development of the industry and increase the competitiveness of Kyrgyz products in the world market.

At the same time, she added that Kyrgyzstan attaches great importance to expanding the geography of air communications with other countries. In this context, she emphasized that as a result of fruitful work, direct flights between Bishkek and Seoul were opened this year. This event will undoubtedly give an additional impetus to the development of Kyrgyz-Korean relations across the entire spectrum of bilateral cooperation, in the political, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres.