On April 24, 2024, a meeting was held between the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany Omurbek Tekebaev and the Managing Director of the Independent Institute for Environmental Affairs in Berlin, Michael Zschiesche


On April 24, 2024, a meeting was held between the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany Omurbek Tekebaev and the Managing Director of the Independent Institute for Environmental Affairs in Berlin, Michael Zschiesche.

During the meeting, Ambassador O.Tekebaev noted the importance of establishing cooperation between this German scientific institute and Kyrgyzstan on environmental and climate protection issues.

The managing director of the institute, M.Zsсhiesche, introduced the Ambassador to the activities of the institute aimed at promoting democracy and education in the field of environmental and resource protection. The Institute successfully implements projects in many countries, in which much attention is paid to education in schools, in agricultural companies on resource conservation, climate protection, combining scientific research with practice.

As a result of the meeting, an agreement was reached to conclude a Memorandum between the Independent Institute for Environmental Affairs in Berlin (https://www.ufu.de/institut/) and the competent departments in Kyrgyzstan.