On June 8, 2024, a cultural event “Kyrgyzstan - country - people - culture” was held in the town of Murnau in the Federal State of Bavaria in order to widely familiarize the residents of Germany with the Kyrgyz Republic.


On June 8, 2024, a cultural event “Kyrgyzstan - country - people - culture” was held in the town of Murnau in the Federal State of Bavaria in order to widely familiarize the residents of Germany with the Kyrgyz Republic.

The event was attended by the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany Omurbek Tekebaev, Member of the State Parliament of Bavaria, Head of the Education Committee, President of the People's Universities of Bavaria Ute Ailing-Hütig, 1st Chairman of the Board of the People's University of Murnau, Deputy Chairman of the administrative district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen Michael Rapp, mayors of the cities of Murnau, Olstadt and Großweil, residents of Murnau and nearby cities, representatives of the Kyrgyz diaspora living in Bavaria. The event was organized by Kyrgyz activists in Murnau, led by compatriot Bermet Abdrakhmanova, with the support of friends of Kyrgyzstan in Germany.

During the event, the work of the Society of Women from Central Asia “Shoola” - Shoola Foundation for Women, e.V., created in Bavaria in 2022, was presented.

Guests of the event were presented with Kyrgyz folk melodies and songs performed by representatives of the Kyrgyz diaspora in Germany and Hungary and the Ukrainian children's choir in Murnau, as well as the Kyrgyz folk dance “Kara Zhorgo”.

Guests were able to get acquainted with the Kyrgyz folk tradition “Tushoo kesuu”, admire the beautiful nature of Kyrgyzstan, presented in a short video about the country, and also taste dishes of Kyrgyz national cuisine.

The main attention of the guests of the evening was attracted by the Kyrgyz national yurt with decorations, installed as part of the event. Master classes on various types of drawing and carving of Kyrgyz national ornaments were organized for children.

Such events contribute to the widespread popularization of information about Kyrgyzstan, the culture and customs of the Kyrgyz people on German soil, as well as further unity of Kyrgyzstanis in Germany.