The EPS conference on the issues of labor migrants was held in the province of Gyeongsangnam-do on June 17-18, 2020.


The conference was attended by Ambassadors and representatives of 16 countries that are participating in the EPS program, including the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic, Dinara Kemelova. In the speech, the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan raised the problems of entry to the Republic of Korea of Kyrgyz citizens who received labor contracts, as well as who stay in vacations in Kyrgyzstan. In addition, D. Kemelova proposed to fully use the quotas allocated to Kyrgyzstan for labor contracts and expand this program for Kyrgyz citizens in agriculture sphere. Almost all participating countries raised issues of stuck citizens due to border closures and quarantine rules when entering the Republic of Korea in connection with an outbreak of coronavirus.

An important event of the conference was the signing of a tripartite memorandum of cooperation between HRD Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do Province and the Korean Aerospace Company to expand the work opportunities of labor migrants from EPS participating countries.

During the conference, Ambassador D. Kemelova also held a bilateral meeting with the President of the Human Resources Development Service (HRD Korea), Mr. Kim Dong Man. During the meeting, problems concerning the situation of labor migrants amid the COVID-19 pandemic were voiced. Ambassador D. Kemelova asked HRD Korea to provide all possible assistance in the issue of the entry of labor migrants into the Republic of Korea, taking into account quarantine rules.

After the conference, Ambassador D. Kemelova had a brief conversation with the President of the Korean Aerospace Company, Mr. An Hyun Ho. The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan spoke about the investment and tourism potential of the Kyrgyz Republic, about the problems of shortage of aviation and helicopter equipment and proposed joint projects in the Kyrgyz Republic based on PPP. In turn, the President of the company said that he visited our country and was impressed by the beauty of the Kyrgyz nature. The parties agreed to continue consultations on further cooperation, including the hiring of Kyrgyz citizens in this company.