Ambassador A.Ismailova met with the Mayor of Incheon Yoo Jeong Bok


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary A.Ismailova met with the Mayor of Incheon, Yoo Jeong Buk.

At the meeting, A.Ismailova spoke in detail about the current state and prospects for the development of bilateral relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Korea. She also provided information on ongoing reforms in Kyrgyzstan, especially emphasizing their importance and positive impact on the investment climate in the country. A.Ismailova also highlighted the investment, export and tourism opportunities of Kyrgyzstan, calling for the active development of cooperation with cities and regions of Kyrgyzstan in these areas.

In turn, Mayor Yoo Jeong Buk expressed the full support and readiness of the city of Incheon to intensify cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic. He stressed the importance of deepening partnerships in various fields, including economics, culture and tourism.

Following the meeting, the parties confirmed their readiness to develop mutually beneficial cooperation.