Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in South Korea take part in a multicultural festival in Ansan


On October 18, 2020, the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of Korea took part in a multicultural festival «Together Day» that took place in the multinational city of South Korea - Ansan. At the opening ceremony, Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan Kemelova Dinara made a congratulatory speech, in which she thanked local authorities for creating favorable living conditions for foreign citizens, informed about multinational Kyrgyzstan and noted the similarity of the peoples of the two countries.

Ambassador Dinara Kemelova held a bilateral meeting with the mayor of Ansan Yoon Hwa-Sub, at which the prospects for cooperation between the two countries were discussed. In particular, the issues of establishing twinning relations between the cities of Tokmok and Ansan, the possibility of organizing bilateral visits, as well as employment of citizens of Kyrgyzstan at factories of Ansan were discussed.