The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic visited the Korean corporation "Person & People" and discussed with the management the possibility of investing and opening plant in Kyrgyzstan


On July 21, 2020, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of Korea Dinara Kemelova visited the Korean Corporation "Person & People" and met with the Chairman, Mr. Lee Jinho.

During the visit, representatives of the company presented devices with positive and negative air pressure for rooms with infected patients, as well as devices for disinfecting rooms, which are currently used in some hospitals in South Korea.

During the meeting with the Chairman Mr. Li Jinho, Ambassador                                 D. Kemelova expressed Kyrgyzstan's interest in cooperation with a Korean company in the production of medical equipment aimed in combating coronavirus.

 The parties discussed the possibility of investing and opening plant with the production of equipment in the Kyrgyz Republic, considering the membership of the Kyrgyz Republic in the EAEU.

The Chairman said that the company has a unique right to export the products to foreign countries. According to him, the company has exported over 1000 units of devices to the countries of Southeast and Central Asia.

The Korean side expressed its intention to donate 3 devises to Kyrgyzstan, the total amount of which is US $ 8,400.