The Republic of Korea has expressed interest in deepening cooperation in the field of public service with Central Asia


The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Korea, A.Ismailova, participated in a meeting with the Minister of Personnel Management of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Kim Seung Ho, as well as with the heads of diplomatic missions from Central Asian countries.

During the meeting, the parties discussed prospects for cooperation between Central Asian countries and the Republic of Korea in the field of improving public service. The Ministry of Personnel Management presented advanced experience in the personnel system and the training program of the National Institute for the Development of Public Service Talents. There was also an exchange of experiences and the status of cooperation between personnel agencies in the participating countries.

During the discussions, it was emphasized that the Ministry of Personnel Management intends to continue regular and fruitful cooperation at a high level with Central Asian countries. The main goal of such interaction is to discuss issues that contribute to strengthening the professional skills of civil servants, which, in turn, will contribute to improving the efficiency of public administration in the region.

Mr. Kim Seung Ho expressed confidence that cooperation with Central Asian countries will continue to bring mutual benefits aimed at development and progress. He highlighted the importance of such cooperation for the region and expressed readiness to expand training programs to meet the specific needs of each country.