On April 30, 2019 Ambassador Dinara Kemelova met with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Mr. Lee Tae-ho.


On April 30, 2019 Ambassador Dinara Kemelova met with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Mr. Lee Tae-ho. During the meeting, the Parties discussed important issues of Kyrgyz-South Korean cooperation, including upcoming political contacts and high-level visits, expansion of trade and economic relations, holding of a regular meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission, and issues of labor migration, tourism and education.
Lee Tae-ho expressed his gratitude to the Kyrgyz side for the continuous support of the peace policy of the Republic of Korea, aimed at strengthening mutual agreement on the Korean Peninsula. According to Lee Tae-ho, Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Korea have a lot common issues, first of all, the democratic values. Currently, the Government of the Republic of Korea is promoting an initiative of a “new northern policy” aimed at developing relations with the countries in the North, including Russia, Mongolia and the Central Asian countries. As part of this policy, Kyrgyzstan is important for South Korea, Lee Tae-ho said.
Ambassador Kemelova highly appreciated the comprehensive assistance of the Republic of Korea to the Kyrgyz Republic. She expressed interest in opening direct flights between Bishkek and Seoul, simplifying the visa regime for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, increasing quotas for Kyrgyz labor migrants, increasing educational grants for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as promoting organic products of Kyrgyzstan in South Korean market.