The Embassy took part in an event in honor of the Nowuz holiday


On March 21, 2021, the Embassy took part in an event in honor of the Nooruz holiday, organized jointly with the Kechioren Municipality of Ankara.

As part of the event, a festive concert with participation of Kyrgyz talents was held, a Kyrgyz yurt was installed, items of national culture (costumes, jewelry, dishes, souvenirs, etc.) and national dishes, traditional rituals - kindling a fire, forging iron, jumping over a fire, were demonstrated, as well as brochures and booklets about the tourism potential of Kyrgyzstan were distributed.

During the event in honor of Nooruz, Ambassador Kubanychek Omuraliev and Head of Kechioren Municipality of Ankara Turgut Altınok, as well as Ambassadors of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan made a speech and congratulated.

Also, the event was attended by representatives of the Kyrgyz diaspora and ethnic Kyrgyz in Turkey.

On the same day, Ambassador Omuraliev gave an interview to the Turkish Television and Radio Company (TRT), during which he told about the traditions of celebrating Nooruz in Kyrgyzstan.