Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev met with Former Secretary General of TURKSOY Dusen Kaseinov


On February 2, 2023, Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev met with Former Secretary General of TURKSOY Dusen Kaseinov.

Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev expressed gratitude to Dyusen Kaseinov for his fruitful work for 14 years as Secretary General of TURKSOY, which made a significant contribution to the revival of a single Turkic culture and the strengthening of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between the fraternal Turkic peoples.

Also, the Head of the diplomatic mission of Kyrgyzstan especially noted the support of Dusen Kaseinov, when he was the Secretary General of TURKSOY, in promoting young talents and popularizing the cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan in the countries of the Turkic world and in the international arena, in particular the Manas epic, the works of the great Kyrgyz writer Chyngyz Aitmatov.

In turn, Dusen Kaseinov congratulated Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev on the start of his diplomatic mission in Türkiye and wished him success in his new post. At the same time, thanking for the kind words and wishes addressed to him, he assured that he would continue to serve for the benefit of the strengthening and development of Turkic culture.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the ideas of joint projects for the development of cultural cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan as well as within the framework of TURKSOY.